Friday, July 3, 2009

Out with the Old

And in with...uh...more old
I like to consider my house a work in progress. I'm never satisfied with it and always have to have a project going on. Much to John's dismay, I love "old" antique type things. You know on the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" how she compares going into a store to being in love. How it makes your heart quicken and excites the senses. That's what antiques do for me...seriously. I think they talk to me (but I'm not crazy).
I have this big wall in my family room that I hate because the MAN who built the house put the doorbell box right in the middle of the top of it. I have changed around a few times what this wall holds.
This was my first attempt...
John named it the "wall of shame" and I took it down the next day. Notice the white box that you can see part of in the top right of the photo. BOOO!!
Anyway, this is what we've looked at as of late. These black frames are old screens that were on my Provo home, which was built in 1924. ANTIQUE!!
The home was newly remodeled, but the owner had left the homes original screens in the garage. John thought them trash. I thought not and have used them to decorate since that day.
The actual screen part is metal, so I used magnets to hang pictures on them. Aren't they great?

I made these little wreaths to go between them just a month or so ago. They are kind of ugly, but I've been into birds lately, so I put up with them until now. Usually I change out the wreaths for the season. Yes, I have mini wreaths for all the major holidays.
Well, with new family pictures, I thought I should display them. I sadly took down my screens (don't worry, they'll be on display somewhere else in my house) and pulled out these ANTIQUE windows I have. I actually have a nice collection of old windows that John threatens to trash every 6 months or so, but he really wouldn't dare!
This'll be nice for the next year or so!


Kelly said...

I LOVE old windows. From our house in Provo, I have one in Noah's room, one is Aurora's room, and one in my kitchen! Cory thought we should just leave them to have someone throw away, NO WAY, I said, and I took them with me to Texas! I think that your's look GREAT!!

Jami said...

I absolutely love those old windows. But I definitely really like the collage and the white ones too. Nice job!