Saturday, October 25, 2008

In Cali

I'm in California right now with my mom and my sister for a girls weekend, so excuse the quick post. I wanted to get a couple things out. The talk of the town is Propostition 8. We are continually chanting "YES ON 8!" This proposotion is essentially to keep the education of homosexual marriage out of schools and keep the California constitution as defining marriage as a man and a woman. If this is changed, it opens up a whole new world of creative marriages for a variety of reasons. Our church is fighting hard for this to pass. Our leaders recognize the horrible landslide this will send our society into. My 80 year old grandparents have been going door to door and cold calling to educate people on this propostion and tell them what will happen if it doesn't pass. Some people are reseptive and some people are not. We were walking in downtown Laguna Beach yesterday and asked a couple if they new where to find a little mexican restaraunt we were looking for. They asked where we were from and of course, when we said "Utah" that first thing they said is "Are you Mormon?" The woman went on to praise and thank our church for their organization, time, and heart we are putting into fighting for 8. She had children who were grown, but still had good family values and didn't want our children being taught about same sex marriage and the other remifications that come with that. One of the last things she said to us was, "I swear your church is going to be the last one standing at the end of the world." I got chills. Her husbands brother is a member who lives in Salt Lake, so I hope they are able to share the Gospel with them.
In the midst of all of this, we had tickets to a taping of The Ellen Show, but decided not to go. Not only would it take up an entire day (when we only have 3 days here), but how could we go support someone who was so against what our family and religion are fearlessly fighting for. Today we are going to see a human chain (that my cousins, aunt and uncle are going to be part of) that will cover miles of Pacific Coast Highway. I'm sure they'll get egged, just like thier cars and homes have for bearing the YES ON 8 signs!!


(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

oh good choice. I guess I stop tapping Ellen to look for you int he audience. Glad you are having fun!

Andrea J said...

It is so great to see any signs of support , thanks for writing this and talking to others about Prop 8. It's a bit lonely here in our very No on Prop 8 neighborhood, but it's worth it.

SUMMER said...

YES on 8! I am so passionate about this... I REALLY hope and pray that it passes! And I LOVE your friend Andrea's blog! I just went and read a bunch of really interesting facts!!!

Leslie said...

You go GIRL!!!!!!! YES ON 8!!!! sometimes I hate to let people know that I grew up in southern California!!! like now!! with the prop 8 thing. Hope you had a great time though!!! how fun just to get away!!!!!! your husband is awesome!!!! seeing him with your kids at the halloween party at the church and church today what a great guy!!!!! I highly doubt my husband would ever take all 4 of ours on like that!!!!!! Andy needs to take lessons from John!!!! =)

Studio Gal Shannon said...

I have relatives in Cali too, I grew up there. My family is doing the same thing for Prop 8. I hope our families efforts payoff because it will snowball from there if it doesn't.