Sunday, September 7, 2008

Go Green Dragons!

Austin just started his new soccer season. He missed doing t-ball this year since we were in Costa Rica, so it was really exciting to get him back into organized sports. It's even better that John is coaching (practice at our house!) and the whole team are boys from our ward. Adeline is so desperate to be part of the team that she likes to wear Austin's uniform from last year and follow the boys around.

Bailey wants to be part of the team too.
The coach going over the game plan (kick and run)

Good Game. Good Game. Good Game.
Cute little athletes I've got myself

1 comment:

Kurst said...

Tell John he's dong such a great job coaching, Alex just adores him. If you don't believe me just ask Alex he'll tell you for the next 20 minutes how great "Coach" is.