Thursday, January 14, 2010

2000-2009: Decade in Review

2000: I started beauty school. Sent my family on a mission. Struggled through single adulthood, but had some defining moments that made me who I am today.

2001: Married the perfect man for me in the Costa Rica temple. Best decision I ever made and I thank Heaven everyday for that strength.

2002: My first pregnancy which, as it does, lead me to give birth to my first child. Austin Michael Jonas Nov. 12. Becoming a mother made everything right in the world.
2003: John went to school full time and worked two jobs. We bought our first house in Provo, Utah. He graduated from BYU with a BA in computer science. My family came home from Costa Rica. I was happy as a clam being a stay home mom.

2004: John worked a job and hated it, so quit to start his own business from home. Him being home literally saved my life when I nearly bled to death after a miscarriage. By the end of the year I was pregnant with my second.

2005: March 27 (Easter Sunday) I gave birth to Adeline April 5 weeks early. She was healthy as can be and a perfect baby. We had grown out of our little house and since John's business was going well, we were able to upgrade. At Christmas we moved into our current home.

2006: We spent this year in total enjoyment of our little family and new home. We were so happy and only wanted to add to it, so we quickly got pregnant with number 3.

2007: We welcomed Bailey Sara on April 27. She cried a lot and my perfect baby Addie had turned into a mischievous 2 year old. It was a rough year, but still happy.

2008: We started to get into the swing of things with 3 children. Took them all to Costa Rica for a month. Austin started Kindergarten and I ate up every minute home with my girls.

2009: We vacationed it up. Took the kids to Disneyland twice. Also, St. George, Mesa Verde, Capitol Reef, and Lake Powell. John spoke at two seminars that I did not go to, one in San Diego and one in Minneapolis. By myself, I went to North Carolina twice and Minneapolis. Together, John and I went to London, Thailand, and the Philippines.

My life has exceeded all my hopes and dreams this decade. I am in awe of where I am and can't wait to get into the 10's and welcome all it has to offer.


Devri said...

What a wonderful journey you have been on in the last 10 years! I love this cute idea for a post. You have such a beautiful family!

Valerie said...

I love these "reviews", such a fun idea, I might need to steal it. I bet you had a great time going through old pictures and remembering when . . .

Leslie said...

Great reviews!!!!! how lucky you guys are to be able to go on vacation as often as you do with a large family! :) we have not been able to go on a vacation anywhere! in 3 1/2 years!!!!!!!!! the furthest we have been in 3 1/2 years is Farmington!!! LOL yes we have NO LIFE! LOL looks like you guys have had great fun times!!! I love the pictures, especially the first ones of your wedding, you looked beautiful!!!!!!!!! you guys have such cute cute kids!!!!!!! those girls are adorable!!!! :) Looks like the last 9 years have been great and happy for you guys!!! SO sorry to hear about you having a misscarriage years ago, I had a ectopic preg. the first time I ever got pg!! nearly bled to death also and had emergency surgery then 3 months later lost another preg. and had a d&c! the things we go through to have those sweet, beautiful childeren huh? thanks for sharing!!! :)

Harmony said...

Ten years go by way faster than you ever think they would!

Hayward Family said...

What a cute post!! I don't even think I HAVE pics that far back.. lol.. You look like BABIES when you were married!! SO CUTE! What a great 10 years! You have accomplished a TON! YOU are an amazing mother!! I'm so glad we are friends!!

Dana DeLuca said...

ok, loved your year and decade in review posts, but some of us enrich our boring lives by living through your exciting one so you have to post more often. Never mind that I don't post often enough, you are a better person than me. Keep us posted, PLEASE?!