Sunday, November 22, 2009

Millions of Women for Thousands of Years

This isn't going to be a terribly long post because I don't have too much to say on this subject. Just one thing... I HATE THAT PHRASE!!!! I hate it from the top of my bleach weaved hair to the bottom of my always painted toes. John and I had a conversation recently that ended with him saying to me "Well millions of women for thousands of years have..." I can't even complete the sentence because I truly remember nothing of the conversation, but the fact that he said that to me. I wanted to pull out his spiky hair (I hate cutting it anyway). I'm sure that millions of women for thousands of years have felt that way about their husbands at one point or another.
And here's the true beast in me. I hate it because I'm selfish. I don't care about millions of women for thousands of years. This is ME, NOW! It's my turn to do life. I shouldn't have to drive a car without AC because "millions of women for thousands of years." I CAN complain about a broken dishwasher even though "millions of women for thousands of years." And I darn well will be angry when the produce at Wal-Mart is bad.
That saying has never and will never make me feel better about anyway situation EVER. So if I ever post about a bad pedicure, a sick child, or slow service, don't even think about saying to me "Millions of women for thousands of years..." because I'm not afraid to cut you out of my life.

(cleansing breaths)

Just for the record, I have loads of respect for the millions of women over thousands of years. I read about them, study them, try to emulate them. Their stories make me laugh, cry, and serve. But still...don't say it to me!


Dana DeLuca said...

Some, if not most of those "women for thousands of years" were also miserable, or would have been if they knew what the possibilities were. I thank heaven every day that I live in a day where I can have drugs during childbirth and can go through a drive through for a diet coke. Millions of women for thousands of years didn't know what they were missing...

Harmony said...

How about millions of women for thousands of years have wished life was just a little bit nicer, a little bit easier, and a little bit more relaxing. We're no different. :) And I TOTALLY agree with you.

Jolley's said...

AGREED! But I still have to laugh at your's funny hearing you vent about it. :)

Ali said...

Amen cuz!

P.S. I am so with you about the produce at Wal-Mart - yuck!

Cami said...

You're funny! Thought I'd just remind you. Good points you have on that statement. I haven't thought that deep into it before. But, my dryer is truly a blessing (and necessity) in my life with three boys and mounds of laundry!! I love you!

Janet said...

Hey, Kim, we're sending email Christmas greetings this year and I don't have your email address. Will you send it to me?

EM said...

AMEN!!! God knew what he was doing when he sent me to the world in these days of tampons, warm showers, .99 jr bacon cheeseburgers and epidurals.

Monica said...

I have to agree, but the one I hate more is "boys will be boys". It's just an excuse that allows boys to behave badly.