Monday, February 18, 2008


This just in...Bailey Sara took a bottle!Don't let the camera distract you, Girl, keep going!
Can I get an Hallelujah! HALLELUJAH!!!
If you know what Bailey has been like for the last 10 months, you will be celebrating with me! Bailey has been such a picky little baby. John has nick named her our "sensitiva diva." When she was first born, if you didn't hold her just right, dress her just right, put her to sleep just right, etc. she would melt down and cry for hours. I definitely had some low moments, but for the most part I have felt blessed with large amounts of patience. Up to this point, we'd had everything figured out except the whole bottle thing. A plastic nipple would not do for our little princess...only the real thing for her. Nursing full time for 10 months is wearing and I was finally fed up. I just refused to nurse her today. I honestly thought it would take days and be an awful battle, but my prayers were answered and it only took one day (well, we will see what happens tomorrow). Obviously this was so monumental, we had to take pictures!


necia said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so awesome.

(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

wow. I hope it lasts. that would be a very nice break. I finally received my break up 3 days ago. t hat is right after nursing every feeding for the past 13 months (Thursday) I am done. it has went well so far.

Andrea J said...

That is an exciting update from the Jonases, congrats. Now what are you going to do with your new found freedom?

Cami said...

Life is not so bad, is it Bailey? Now we can do a real mom's only thing! Good job on the new look of your blog!

Cyndi said...

WOW! I am so thrilled for you. Way to go Bailey!!! I know what this means...a little freedom! Good luck with the rest of the week, I hope it goes just as smoothly as the first day! Still, this does deserve a celebration.

Kelly Fam said...

Yeah Bailey! this is a big deal. Finally a little freedom for mommy!... and I love your new blog look!

Hayward Family said...

GOOD JOB! :) You are SO GOOD! I nursed for 7 months, and then it was ALL Formula! You are a good girl! Look how cute you and your daughter are!!

Jolley's said...

WAHOO!! I am seriously so excited for you...definetly a glorious day! By the way...LOVE the curtains in the background....when did you do those?

Janice said...

Hooray for Bailey..or should I say Hallelujah!!Hope the next few days go just as well. She is a BEAUTIFUL baby!!

Ali said...

Ah the freedom of bottles! Congrats!

P.S. Your and Cami's blogs are so cute! Where did you find the cute templates? My blog needs an updated look!

Jon and Tasha Fam said...

Congrats!! I know how it can be both by kids breastfed for a year!!! and by 10 months for sure you are so ready for a break. Good luck with the bottle hopefully she takes it just fine. Your kids are so cute!! Good to hear from you, I am excited about the Drill reunion haha. Our hard work in starting a drill team did not pay off, they no longer have a drill team at THS sad hu? :(