Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Proper Name

So I have this thing against teaching my children the correct names for various body parts. When I was nursing Addie, Austin referred to"it" as the "brown thing." You better believe I was so happy with myself when Addie was crying in the grocery store and Austin announced "MOM! BABY WANTS THE BROWN THING." So glad he didn't know the "N" word. Anyone could have assumed that's a binky.
I have still not taken it upon myself to teach any of my kids any proper names, but they adjust with age.
Yesterday Austin was watching the kittens nurse and one little kitten was having a hard time finding a nipple, so Austin guided it in the right direction and announced to me "MOM! I HELPED THE KITTEN FIND A BRA!"
Good job, honey. I'm still not ready to tell you the truth.
Am I a terrible mom who is stunting my kids growth? Does anyone agree with me? Please share your experience with me!


Andrea J said...

I'm a believer in the proper name. In our collective situations it's not a big deal, the big deal comes as they get older, more curious, and more influenced by peers. I have all girls though, if I were you I would definitely pass the buck to John.

Mike and Jill said...

I totally agree with you! The proper names make me uncomfortable to say- like I want my kids saying them!

Jami said...

It's just not something I'm comfortable discussing with a little kid. But I'm totally clueless. When asked what "that" is, I just freeze :/

Harmony said...

My parents always taught us the correct terms. So I never even thought about it with my kids. I don't openly teach them what they are like I do with their chin or their elbow, but when asked I've always used the correct term. After, we talk about how they are private areas and only to talk about them in the bathroom or to mom or dad if they have a question. It's worked for us, without any real embarrassing moments. Every family has to judge for themselves though. Austin will, unfortunately, start learning them soon enough from older kids at school. It's sad, but true!

Cyndi said...

I've always thought I would be the kind of parent that used proper names. However, when Eden itches "down there" I tell her not to touch her bum. Paul uses the "v" word and it still freaks me out.

Brown thing and Bra! Cracks me up. You are going a great job.

Amber said...

My husband insists on using the proper names. He even goes as far as talking about a baby in the utereus. "The baby is not in the tummy, it is in the utereus." Oh well, I guess I love him in spite of it all.

Trav and Linds said...

That is funny! I feel the same way. With a new baby in the house my little girl always says, "Is the baby eating on your stomach again mom?" Yep! I just agree with her. I think as they get older and it is easier to understand then you can explain it.
My sister just had a stray cat have her babies on their patio furniture in Arizona and they don't know what to do with them. What are you going to do with the kitties?

Bonnie @HobbytoHOT said...

That would be a blast . . .and as for proper names, maybe that's why parents wish we could stay little for the rest of our lives . .lol!

Leslie said...

funny!! I just tell me kids the real names, for the most part to a certain degree, it depends on the situtation and which child is talking about something.

Hayward Family said...

I completely agree with you! Kids learn on their own time... and trust me.. in due time they will know ALL the correct terminology!! haha..