Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time is St. Paul

I know, I know, I've been out of town a lot lately. Before the snow melted and I was desperate to get out of town, I told John that I wanted to go see two of my long distant friends... Michelle (in Charlotte- where I went two weeks ago) and Charis in St. Paul (where I just returned from).
Of course, we took NO pictures, but that just means we were having too much fun to think of any blog readers.
Charis is just finishing her third and final year as an emergency medicine resident. This was kind of a celebratory trip. She can now live a fairly normal life and actual make money!! We got pedicures, refurnished her porch, shopped at the farmers market, watched movies, went on walks and other "real person things" as Charis calls them.
A real treat for me was spending some one on one time with Bailey. I took only her on this trip since Charis has a little boy, Tate, her age. She is so enchanting. It was a pure joy to have her with me.
I have to give a shout out to Charis's husband Steve who dealt with little girl giggles all weekend!!
I wish my friends were closer, but I sure loved the new view and basking in Charis's charming presence.
Oh, and Steve is a radiation resident, so I learned a lot about various cancers, namely cervical and rectal. Never want either!!

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