Warning- Lots of text and pictures. Most will be funny!
On July 19, 2008
Cameron Claybaugh Hansen turned 30 years old! Cami is exactly 21 months older than I am. We have been best friends from the beginning. My very first memory of her is in our home in South Jordan, Ut. We were singing the song "teeter tauter bread in water, wash your hands in dirty water." So we sneaked some bread from the pantry, filled the wagon up with water and threw the bread in as we sang "bread in water." Then we put dirt in it and washed our hands to finish off the song. When we were done, Cami said that mom was going to be mad at us for wasting the bread, so I had to eat it to avoid getting in trouble. To this day, I can't eat any bread that is even slightly soggy.
Cami and I either shared a room or had our rooms right next to each other our whole lives (and I have the scars to prove it). After Cami graduated from high school, my mom and I drover her to Ricks and cried the whole way home. Who would answer life's important questions for me now? My mom only slightly humored the "which shoe looks better with this outfit" (with one on each foot and changing which foot you are standing on). We had a rule that if you wanted to borrow some clothes, you had to ask before you put it on (I'm sure Cami came up with this ridiculousness), so we got really good at hiding behind a door and saying "Can I wear your splattered t-shirt today." Clothes are the only thing we fought about it. By the way, laying on your back and kicking your legs uncontrollably is great defense to sharp fingernails!
Thankfully, she has gone first in almost all we have done in life...young women's, dating, college, marriage, babies, which has always given me great insight and example. She has always been there to advise and support. We have shared virtually everything in this life together. She listened patiently to all my college drama (and even seemed interested) while dealing with her own pain and heartache of infertility. She has kept all my secrets. She has been doing my hair since I was 15. She is clean and neat. She loves order and organization, but is shockingly laid back and humorous with her 3 messy boys. She has stood strong with her husband through various trials and is even still attracted to him with a shaved head!
She has always been the skinny and pretty one (it's ok, it allows me to be the fun one!). She is always very healthy and periodically gets into some new kind of exercise. My favorite is jazzersice! How cool is that? She is naturally good at almost everything, especially if it takes creativity. She's a great cook, a killer decorator, an inventive beader and scrapbooker, a heck of a budgeter, a fun mom, a beautiful and supportive wife, a perfect example and the absolute best sister and friend a girl could ask for. I always say that I have Bailey because I have Cami. I desperately wanted Addie to have a sister so she could experience the joy that this divine bond brings. This life would be nearly unbearable without Cami. I'm so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows me well enough to know that I needed you in this life to follow after. You are my eternal friend! HAHA- ETERNAL- FOR-EV-ER! I love you seester and am excited for 30 more years of this life together!
Here are some random pics I pulled out of the vault!
Her and her hub before he went bald! JK-B

Oh yea, we love to eat together

I really liked that bubble hair do! This was right after I graduated from high school (10 years ago!)

Family picture in, I think, 1996.

Shopping in Denver. Did I mention we like to shop together too? She's a great shopping partner.

At my high school graduation in 1998. She was always there for me!

At her wedding just a few weeks after my high school graduation.

Umm...Disco night! (With Laura Rife and Devry Arnett)

Cam and I with some of our cousins (Janice, Amber and Cyndi) at Bass Lake

Jumping on the bed together. Wish I could have that bod back!

I will have to dig up some younger pictures of us!
Thanks for indulging me.
Happy Happy Birthday Cam!