Monday, June 27, 2011

36 Week Update

(Beware (Todd): This is MY blog and I will say what I want)

I am 36 weeks pregnant today.

Did you know I have never carried past 37 weeks? So I am on the count down!

I went to the doctor today and got "checked." I am dilated to a 4 and 50% effaced.

Then he stripped my membranes (I warned you). It didn't hurt and it didn't make anything happen, which is a happy thing. I'd like to keep this babe in for at least a few more days. I'd like to ensure she does not enter the NICU. (you hanging in there Todd?)

(My bro Todd is a total wimp and told me this post almost made him lose his lunch)

I am feeling large and in charge, but still pretty good.

Sometimes people like to remind me that I am looking HUGE or uncomfortable or swollen or ready to pop. I appreciate those reminders because every step on swollen feet, every trip to the bathroom and every walk past a mirror just isn't reminder enough.

But today I was loading a small amount of wal mart bags into my mini van and the nicest middle-aged lady came and helped. She asked when I was due and I said "the next week or two" and do you know what she said to me? "Well don't you just look so beautiful!"

I should've hugged her!

Keep ya posted!


Stacy said...

I love nice people like that! I hate it when people tell me "looks like you have your hands full!" It is like they are saying have my girls is a negative thing. I just love the people that say "Oh how fun! You got double the blessings!" Good Luck, and hopefully you won't go into labor too soon! The NICU IS NO FUN!

Megan said...

Super exciting...I hope all goes well for you. I can't believe that you have NEVER been 40 weeks pregnant!!! Seriously, if it wasn't for c-sections, I would probably still be pregnant with my first.

Todd Claybaugh said...

Ha ha, thanks for the warning. I put down my double beef and bean burrito before reading. But picked it back up to read your comments, "NICU!" again, "C-Sections!"

Leslie said...

What a nice lady!!!! so sweet of her! pretty funny that this post made your brother sick!!! LOL he aint seen or herd nothing yet!!LOL I've never gone past 38 weeks with my boys, 37 was the earliest I delivered. Yeah, getting those membranes stripped never bothered me either, not sure why some people say it kills!!!? I was at a 5 and 90% effaced for a week before having Drew at 38 weeks!! crazy huh? the dr. never thought I was going to last that long!!!! so when I actually went into labor with him I was at a 7 and 2 hours later had him!! pretty quick delivery! if only they all were that quick! LOL though I had no epidural with him, WHOLE different experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well enough on my blabbing. I can't wait to hear all about your little girl when you have her!! :)

Hayward Family said...

KIM! You crack me up! Thanks for your post.. I needed that. I am constantly being told that I "look farther along than I am".. haha.. Awesome! Thanks! I'm sure you are beautiful! Good luck with the next week or so!