Monday, May 16, 2011

If you want your children to be smart...

I heard this quote recently (can't remember where and I may slaughter it), but it went something like this "If you want your children to be smart, read to them for 20 minutes a day. If you want your children to be geniuses, read to them for 40 minutes a day." I think it was Einstein.
I did not mean to make myself look like a bad mom in my last post. It was brought to my attention that I made it sound like I don't read to my 8 year old anymore.
That could not be further from the truth! We LOVE to read in our home. I sit and do Austin's school reading with him almost everyday. At night, the children scramble to get through teeth brushing, scriptures and prayers to be read to. We have been through all 40 something Magic Treehouse, almost any classic that has been abridged for children (Adeline LOVES Les Mis and cried at the end!), or any other "chapter book" that is age appropriate.
I only meant I don't get quiet mornings of reading Dr. Seuss to my toddler boy anymore...TEAR!
Thanks for the info Tirzah! I always love to know more about reading to your children as sometimes I need extra motivation for it!


Todd Claybaugh said...

At what age do you start reading to them 20 mins a day for it to have an affect?

TJ said...

Kim, I LOVED your post yesterday! It just brought all kinds of things to my mind about what I did and didn't do with my girls when it comes to reading aloud. Once my girls became independent readers, I didn't read TO them so much anymore.I LOVED the ideas you expressed about reading. It was great! It just took me on a tangent. I never thought you looked like a bad mom. I am so sorry if I offended. I should keep quiet on blogs probably. Please forgive me.

Kim said...

Todd- I'm not sure what the experts say, but I think start now. It forms good habits and will begin a love of reading for Gav before he knows it.

Tirzah- So not offended here! Thanks for your comments. No need to keep quiet.

Nicole said...

Hey lady! DId you get the invite to the drill reunion on fb? It is at my house Wednesday night from 7-10. Can you come?