Friday, August 27, 2010

Daily Affirmations

You thought I was kidding when I said I was getting my kids started on this.
Here is how I came up with affirmations for my children:
Step 1-make a list of things you want your kids to improve on or just work on in general
Step 2-make a list of areas that are important to you and your family (family, friends, school, church, future, work, health, etc)
Step 3-Write definitive statements using terms like "I am" "I do" "I love" "I always"
Step 4- Avoid statements like "I can" "I will" "In the future" "When I grow up." Those can have the opposite effect (I will- someday? When is the future exactly? You see?)
Step 5- Know that they aren't set in stone and can change as needed

And here is what my 3 cute kiddos will be saying each morning:

I love my family

I love to help and obey

I am kind and share with my family and friends

I am smart and healthy

I love to sleep. It helps me be my best

I love to go to school to learn and work hard

I love to dress nice and have my hair done

I always talk politely

I love to read. Reading is fun

I choose friends who are kind and good

I can do anything

I always choose the right

I am a child of God

Now you do know that I have no expertise in this and no experience, so my methods and affirmations are unprofessional and untested, but for us they will work (I'm especially banking on that "dress nicely and have my hair done one")!


(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

those are awesome!!! The leadership camp that i went to we learned all about affirmations for 8 summers off my life. t hat is exactly right. great job kim!!!

Janet said...

Very cool! I love it.