Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random thoughts for my blog since it's been so stinkin' long

I have been out of town and have a great trip to blog about, but here's the reason I haven't.....I did not take one picture on our trip! I let my brother Todd be the photographer and he got some great pics. I just need to get them from him. Ah well.

My 3 kids slept at my mom's house last night. (I only have 3 kids. I should have more. I feel like someone is missing.) I had a really nice morning. I woke up when I woke up. I laid in bed and read my scriptures until I felt my morning poop come on. Seriously, every morning! It's awesome. TMI, you say? Then you are out of style because I learned at girls camp that we don't use TMI anymore. That came and went as fast as "NOT."

Then I worked out with Jillian Michaels. That's my cop out work out because it's only 20 minutes. But something is better than nothing, right?

I think I'm allergic to flax seed. I thought it was cayenne pepper, but now I think it's flax seed.

I'm a pretty level gal. I don't cry that much. I've got pretty good emotional control. I pride myself on that. This week has been emotional. Lots of things going on with lots of people around me. I am feeling like a crystal this week...absorbing everything. I'm not usually like that. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe I will have a baby girl next and name her Crystal. What do you think, Cam?

I got a lot of cleaning done after my work out this morning. Then I took the kids to the dinosaur museum with my sisters. Now I am home and should be doing more cleaning, but I turned on Oprah and it's about hoarders. Now I don't feel so bad about my house (or shopping habits), so I'm blogging.

My bro Jonny leaves on his mission in less than a week! That's a little sad, but very happy.

Lots of HAPPY!


Anonymous said...

you are AWESOME! enough said :)

JEN MARX said...

Are you nuts! Talking about your morning poop! You do realize that your blog is not private, right? heehee!! You are funny! Viva Yuba! :)