Monday, May 10, 2010

The Ones Who Made Me

I did not spend this Mother's Day with the people who made me a mother but I did spend this Mother's Day with the people that made me the kind of mother I am.

I wish there were words for these ladies. My mom gave me a card today that said "it's been pure joy raising you." I think she's smartly supressed the 90's.
Let me talk about my mom for a sec... When I was a 20 year old college student my family moved to Costa Rica to preside over the mission there for 3 years. When they came back I was a 23 year old wife and mother. I was nervous about them coming home. I wasn't sure what the dynamics of our relationship would be. I was still insecure about my mothering skills (ok fine, I still am) and I didn't know what my mom would think of my clumsy, scatterbrained ways. I knew I could never live up to her and would she judge me for that?I can only laugh at my fears now. They were so empty. I apparently did not know my mother well enough. I have never felt inadequite in her presence. In fact, it's been quite the opposite. She is my loudest cheerleader, my greatest support, my favorite example and now that we have been so close for so many years, she is my best friend. When I decided I want to come along on this trip to California and told John my idea he said "what if your mom doesn't want you to come." That thought never crossed my mind. Why wouldn't she want me along? As far as I can tell she thinks I'm the greatest person on the planet. I think there are probably 400 other people that would say the same thing of her. I have never ever once in all my life seen my mom put herself ahead of anyone else. That is my mom.
My Gram is the cloth from which my mom was cut. When I hugged her good bye tonight she said to me "my favorite!" I think she says that to us all. She will never forget a birthday or special event. Her life is for 2 things and 2 things only... The Lord and the family. She does nothing unless it invovles those things...NOTHING.
Because of these women I have all that I have and I am all that I am. How do you repay that?

Oh and I hope that not only I can serve and love like them, but that I can do it as beautifully as them. Truly, how gorgeous are these mothers of mine?

I have a lot of work to do!


Jolley's said...

first of all, love the dress and shoes :)

Secondly, I agree with you 100%, your mom and grandma are some of the most fabulous people I've ever met as well. You are one lucky lady!

JEN MARX said...

I think you're coming along just fine! Love the wavy CA hair! :) Hope you're having fun!

Leslie said...

Such a cute picture of you guys! sure can tell you guys are related. Soooo don't put a bad spell on me about a 5th boy!!!! :( I need all the good luck for a girl that I can get. But you are probably right about a 5th boy so I probably wont even try, I am sorta tired of hearing all the negetive comments people are telling me about getting another boy, get's old!!! Unfortunitly they are probably right, so I am thinking on giving up! :( Oh well I probably wouldn't have been a good enough mom for a girl anyway.