We're going to pretend today that this is actually 5 different posts that you've seen over the past couple weeks.
We will also pretend, humor me please, that I am a photographer.
Post #1: Halloween Crafts for Adults
Sparkling pumpkins with my sisters (I've dropped the whole in-law thing with Lexi (and Shelbie) b/c I like them so much). It's about the easiest thing on earth and sparkles do something to my insides- it's euphoric!
Paint a pumpkin in sections with mod podge and shake a generous amount of fine glitter over the section. I find that if you have 2 paper plates to catch the glitter (alternating between the 2), it's helpful.

I sparkled everything I could get my hands on. I'm already eying things I can sparkle for Christmas.

Post #2: Halloween Treats
I found twigs outside and used them as the sticks in my carmel apples. I didn't take a picture of every step (for real life step by step, check
this out). I dipped in carmel, dipped in chocolate, rolled in nuts or toffee or whatever else sounded yummy, then wrapped them like this...

I got the smaller brown bags at a craft store, cut one down the corners the cut into strips, leaving the bottom intact. Then cut the top off another bag to shorten it

Pull up the sides and tie with yarn. Does it look like a witches broom to anyone? See how the stick in the apple is the handle for the broom? Tell me this is cute because it went to school teachers, visiting teachers, etc.

Post #3: Halloween Crafts for Kids
Foot Ghosts
Paint the bottom of your child's foot

Press onto paper

Wipe foot with wipe before letting them run around

Let it dry then have your child draw a mouth and eyes on the heel of their painted foot and you have yourself a ghost that you can keep for years to come and wonder why your children's feet just won't stop growing.

Paint or carve pumpkins (if you're as clever as I am- you paint pumpkins a week before Halloween then go out of town the week of and get grandma to the house to do the carving. BAH HA HA! I hate carving- Sorry mom!)

Paper doll of your child's Halloween costume (ok, fine, this was a school project), but still crafty

I also had my kids make their own trick or treat bags. I bought canvas bags at a craft store for $2 and let them go nuts with permanent markers.
Post #4 Halloween Decor
I wanted to take a picture of my very favorite Halloween decorations.
I bought these skull candle holders a few years ago at Big Lots (for real) and added a little glitter (duh), set them on top of black candle sticks and below orange candles and...

I'm so glad I took these pictures because 2 days later John was swinging a BYU flag around the house and I asked him to stop before he broke something, but he didn't stop and broke my favorite Big Lots candle holder. For those of you new to my blog, John is not my son. But he did glue it back together for me, so all is well in the Jonas home.
I have a hard time doing above my cabinets. I really needed Shelbie here.

But I liked my skull with the witch hat

and my symmetrical mantel

Post #5 Halloween Costumes
My lil sis Cara is NOT too old to dress up (and I have not lost my "bangs to heaven" skills)

This lady is quite a sassy little Angel (side note: my mom made THAT dress for me to wear when I was that age. I need to dig up that picture)

I bought Bailey a Sleeping Beauty dress, but on the day of she decided she wanted to be a lady bug (an older costume we already had) and since I'm trying to let go of some of my controlling tendencies, I allowed it.

Even though it rained, we had a great Halloween!