In the 18th century (snoring) (no seriously this is cool) Paris was in crisis, with people living in such close quarters because land was slim, sanitary was undeveloped (that's another tour) and disease was rampant. The population realized that valuable real estate was being taken over by the dead in beautiful church courtyard cemeteries. So they dug up their dead and piled the bones in a spent limestone quarry below the city. 6 million bodies were moved here. I'm sure the task went from exciting to gross to dull, so they had to express creativity somehow, right? These are, for real, 250 year old bones. Talk about mayhem at the Resurrection!
There was miles of this stuff
AND...back to the real Paris with satisfied husbands (since they got to see dead people). After a quick curbside crepe, we wander through Luxembourg Gardens
I have been informed that I have reached my kiss picture quota, but he will take a hug from me
This is San Chapel. These walls are covered in stained glass depicting bible scenes
The husbands were tired and grumpy by the end of the church, so we sent them off to rest and we got ourselves some gelato which provided a second wind for shopping in the Latin Quarter
Once back with the husbands, we grabbed Gyros from a corner stand and boarded a ship for a sunset cruise of the Seine River
I love that view of Notre Dame, thanks for all the tips! Glad y'all are having such a great time.
Amazing, Kim. All of it! It just makes me want to be there with you more. Glad you are taking the time to post pics, even though internet is slow. Love you
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