Heterochromia is a virtually benign trait where either the eyes are two different colors or one eye is partially different. Bailey was born with blue eyes. They started to change after a few months. The process slowed, then stopped before her right eye had completely changed. I researched it to see if it could be a problem that is presenting itself this way. Turns out in very few cases, it can effect the hearing, but hers is fine. I came across this picture where her eye color is very pronounced and thought it would be interesting to post.
Another interesting tidbit about my Bailey is that her second and third toes on both feet are almost completely webbed! Mine are partially too (apparently it's genetic). We're just a bunch of freak shows here!
And here are some celebs I found with the same trait...
Kate Boswell
David Bowie
Elizabeth Berkley
Dan Aykroyd
Jane Seymour
Bailey is adorable!! I know a couple of people who have kids with webbed toes too. It really isn't as unusual as some people think!
So interesting! I didn't realize how many people have Heterochromia.
Hey my toes are a little webbed too. Glad to know I'm not the only freak.
Interesting!!!! I think Bailey is just adorable!!!!! just one more thing that will make her even more special!!! Oh and the toes!! =)
Kylie has webbed toes too!
That is so cool! It's funny that I've never noticed it! I like em!! =)
I have a friend with that too. I always think it's so awesome!.. plus anything Bowie has must be amazing.
Bowie's eyes are actually colored the same. It's just that he got hit in the face too hard this one time that his pupil got stuck in a dilated position. If he were to be photographed in a darker setting both of his eyes should look the same.
Ha, so I'm not the only freak with webbed toes in the world... :) Todd
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