Usually, I have a good book and can crank my incline all the way up and speed walk while I read. This is always a great work out and makes the time go fast. I try to run for a few minutes between chapters too (that's where the Ipod comes in). Having finished my latest book and not gotten into a new one, I am kind of bored with my exercises, so I decided to try something new...
In 30 minutes, which was the other goal. Ok, Ok, so I was in my climate controlled house (with a fan blowing on me), water at my finger tips, and an incline of 1, but does it count? Can I call this my first 5K? HAHA
Let the compliments fly!!
It definitely counts!!!
3.2 miles is 3.2 miles however you run it! Good job :)
My goal was to get my mile down below 10 minutes by the end of the year. It's not really going so well, what with the broken foot and all! I guess I'll have to aim for Valentines day :D
Agreed, you did it. Congrats!
And it's harder to run on a treadmill than it is outside, at least for me anyway.
Way to go!!! Of course it counts!
That is awesome!!!! KIM!!!!! be so proud of yourself!!!! of course it counts!!!!!!
Yes! You did it! (I copying words from my josie), but none-the-less.... Yes! You did it! Great job. That's great that you had your mind made up and you did it. I'm still getting over the fact that you can read at full incline. I'm definitely not that coordinated.
WOW! I think it is a million times harder on a treadmill. You are AWESOME. (we just saw Bolt)
Wow, you amaze me. I dread nothing more than when I can't make it to a class and I have to RUN to get my cardio in! So, GOOD FOR YOU!
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