I'm there with the diet, don't you dare take time away from me...I'm making it count!
My friend Harmony told me that fruit is good in the morning. I so love my fruits.
My cheats: An apple for breakfast, a drink of orange juice last night (just one yummy swig)
2 pieces of popcorn. I was feeling a little guilty, but now that it's in black and white, it doesn't look so bad.
Things that are getting me through: celery- either with organic peanut butter or spray ranch, almonds, string cheese, sugar free Werther's toffees, and a special treat today....soy milk with sugar free chocolate syrup!
The scale told me this morning that I have lost 3.5 pounds since starting this on Monday. That's easy come, easy go weight. Next week is the real test, when my extra summer fluff is gone and I'm trying to get rid of the nitty gritty.
It's going to be a rough weekend- Swiss Days with the girls tomorrow, pool party at my aunt and uncle's Saturday that I am making cupcakes for (I might HAVE to have one-maybe just a half?), Sunday dinner at my mom's house (AKA Satan's lair, remember?), then a Labor Day BBQ here.
I can do it
I can do it
I can do it
I can do it
Oh yea, my motivation? Going on a kidless trip to London with my husband in 2 1/2 weeks!
had a delicious peach today... thought of you:) you can do it it will be worth it. you can do anything for 2.5 weeks!!!
I am SO proud of you!! Send me the diet info you have motivated me i need to do something!!
Good for you (but I think you're fabulous whatever you look like)! I know you've got the whole running thing going on, but let me know if you're interested in some P90X with me.
What kind of diet are you on? soy milk and sugar free syrup (that sounds horrific)
I can say that now that I am big and fat with child. I do want to know all about it because I will be looking of a good "jump start, make me skinny" diet in about 7 weeks.
Why are you on a diet? Aren't those for fat people?
I'm glad your back and blogging. I love the bangs.
Dang, that is some great motivation!!!!! I would starve myself to go to London with my husband for that long with no kids!!!! LOL keep up the good work, I think you look wonderful, beautiful and amazing just the way you are!!! you have worked soooooo hard!!!! you can do this!!!!
You can do it you are awesome like that. Once you set your mind to something you accomplish it, I believe in you!!! :) I am setting my blog to private this week so leave your e-mail address.
Good job girl! Keep it up! :)
You look great Kim! I love the bangs too. Does cutting the sugar affect your energy level? I just get so cranky and tired wihout it, especially fruit, well . . . and cookie dough. We are excited to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
YAY For South Beach! I have heard great things about it, but I wouldn't last a DAY!! I'm so proud of you! You ALREADY look amazing, but whatever.. haha.. LOVE the bangs!! We need to get together! I'm about to have another baby!! hahaha.. I'm so nervous for a girl! You need to teach me some things! ;)
Keep up the good work KIM!!!! you look awesome!!!!!! I am the one that needs major help with losing weight!!!!!!! when I am stressed I eat and let me say I have been stressed out of my mind for 2 years now so I have gone down hill since!!!! seems like the stress never ends!!!!!!! I need to somehow make time for myself and get my butt in gear!!! LOL
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