I know that in small town Utah the high schoolers go out "shootin' stuff" for fun. Killing rabbits, rodents, snakes, whatever they can spotlight in the late night. I think it's so wrong.
I couldn't even look at the beheaded snake from my parents yard without feeling faintly sorrowful.
The other day Austin came inside with a story about trapping a spider in his sandbox and killing it. You know I don't even kill spiders in my house, so you can imagine how I feel about killing them outside. This is what brought on our lesson.
I bore testimony that all life is special and precious to God. Every living thing has it's purpose and if at all possible, we should let them be.
Am I raising controversy? I hope not. This is just how I feel.
So here's my problem, I got home last night and was so disappointed that some of my petunias on my front steps were really struggling. Upon closer examination, I found snails...EVERYWHERE!!
Shoot, I just taught my children to let nature be. But my petunias! They're looking so pretty and I spent so much time and money on them. What should I do?
I massacred them!! AHHH! I'm sick about it.
We went on a snail hunt and found dozens and dozens of them. Bailey had a ball helping me.
I swept over a second time to find anymore that may have been hiding in attics or secret rooms behind bookcases. I found them all. They all went into the bags, sealed up, and then, with a prayer of apology, into the trash.
It was necessary for me. Wasn't it?
First of all, July 1st was fun - wish we could have gone to papa's work with you.
Second, I understand about life, but spiders I have to kill when they invade my space. Sorry about the snake thing - that was all mom! haha
I can't believe the amount of snails you caught. Would they not have survived down by the canal somewhere? Poor Austin feeling so sad for them. But, yes, it was necessary to get them out of your yard.
You are a good mom and I love how you look at life.
Wow, that was a LOT of snails! Excellent argument though. Just be glad you don't live here with the cockroaches!
Man, that is a TON A BUTT LOAD of snails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK!! my boys would have LOVED collecting them with you guys too!! LOL loved the lesson you gave them and good argument! :)
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