I was weeding my garden two days ago and it started to rain. I repeated to myself my survival phrase from April "April showers bring May flowers" then I remembered that it is May and I thought "What do May showers bring?" Then I remembered this joke and laughed and laughed all by myself in my weed infested garden.
One thing you should know about me is that I love what my family calls "laffy taffy" jokes. You know, those stupid, predicable jokes that all the first graders tell once they are bored of knock knock jokes.
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honeycombs
What did the baby light bulb say to the mommy light bulb?
I love you watts and watts
What did the horse say when he fell down?
HELP! I've fallen and I can't giddy up
Where does Hitler keep his armies?
In his sleevies
What sound do porcupines make when they kiss?
Why did the squirrel cross the road?
To prove he had the guts
What do little people drive?
Mini vans
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef
And my very favorite of all time...
Why do Seagulls fly by the sea?
Because if they flew by the bay they'd be BAGELS!!!
Do you have tears rolling down your cheeks too? I beg of you to share you favorite laffy taffy jokes with me!!
thanks for the jokes! :o)
These are good. I think the squirrel joke would have been better if the punch line were, to prove he had the nuts. (more PG than G)
BAHAHAHAHA!! I also read those jokes and laugh!! haha.. You must also be the type (like me) that reads the Sunday comics and laughs! haha.. I do every Sunday! LOVE THEM!!
You are so funny. You made me smile...and laugh. I am in Fresno right now, for a couple of weeks...does that bring back memories?
What do a duck and a bicycle have in common?
They both have handle bars, except the duck.
Yah, that is my awesome joke from 1st grade. I still remember it. :)
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