Well, now it's Thursday, but it's still January. ARGHH!!! As I laid in bed the other night, amazed that it is still January, I came to the conclusion that January is my least favorite month. Since January is now the bottom of the list, what's at the top? So here is my list of months favorite to least...drum roll please...
(and you thought you were going to get some kind of deep, life altering thought from me. Do you even know me?)
April My birth month and diamond is the birth stone. Enough said. No? Ok, what's better than the month where you get to have a day just for you? Not to mention, IT'S SPRING!! We did it! We made it out of another winter and here we are with life in bloom all around us. The birds and leaves are back and beautiful. The days are longer. We celebrate LIFE with Easter and kick it all off with general conference. To me, April is the best.
June Summer is in full swing and life couldn't be better. Days are longer, nights are warmer, and everything is beautiful. Planting is the task at hand and oh! it's wonderful. All the fruits are in season which makes eating healthy and exercising sweet and enjoyable. Spring cleaning is done with and now the house actually stays clean for longer than 15 minutes because no one wants to be in it! We are thrilled to welcome summer.
November To me, November is the start of Christmas. I don't think that celebrating Christmas as early as November is over shadowing Thanksgiving. I think it's enhancing it. Isn't the birth of our Savior the number one thing we have to be thankful for? So in November, I feel all the magic of Christmas, plus the extra gratitude boost from Thanksgiving, plus we celebrate a holiday that's basically about food, plus it's still like 50-60 degrees outside, so just throw on a long sleeved shirt and go about your normal outdoor leisures. November was a close second. Only down fall is it's the beginning of winter!
May Hurray! We get to plant. Fear of frost is gone by Mother's day so gardens go in and flowers come up. I almost get over stimulated by all the colors after the stark winter. Finally, the sweaters are officially put away, fruits are in season, and cabin fever has driven you to exercise and play with mother nature.
December Obviously- Christmas! Snow is beautiful and fun. Shopping is exciting. Decorating is invigorating.Baking is delicious. People are happier and more generous. December is pure magic thanks to the birth of Jesus Christ.
July Firecrackers, bar-b-ques, late warm nights playing outside, long sunny days in the water, fresh fruit galore, family vacation, do I need to go on? The work of sowing is over and you can just relax in a porch swing with a lemonade and watch your kids run through the sprinklers. Life is good
October The start of the holidays. These are the three big holidays I decorate for and Halloween is the kick off! Not to mention squash, lovely squash that I love nearly as much as I love my first born...every kind of it! Summer may be over, but we can still enjoy the freshness of it. Plus, by the time it cools down in October, I am so sick of showing so much skin and slathering extra lotion of my dry exposed areas, that I am ready to cover up and hibernate!
August Summer is coming to an end, but the warm weather doesn't let up. There's usually one last hurrah of a vacation to squeeze in. You can almost never get sick of enjoying the thrill of summer.
February We made it through January and now get to melt that snow within with red hots and conversation heart! I know Valentines is a commercial holiday, but I'm ok with an opportunity to celebrate my love. I also get to celebrate the birth of my eternal mate this month.
September A little sad to see summer ending, but by mid-September we are back into the routine of school, which seems to feel good. New colors come out in full force to add interest and to testify of a Divine Creator. Weather is still warm, but cools slightly and provides relief.
March I don't hate March, but there's just not much going on. March is a tease. She will give you a couple warm days, so you take the top off your jeep and pull out your flip flops, but it always snows again. So you have to take a deep breath and get through the month until April!
January I really don't hate January either. I can appreciate the simplicity of it. In January you take down Christmas decorations, put away wrapping paper, throw excess candy in the trash (can't again anymore weight!), and let go of the warmth in your heart that has made the snow fun, pretty, and exciting. Fortunately, I still enjoy shoveling just because it's a way to get outside and exercise a bit. By mid-month, most Christmas gifts are broken or forgotten along with good will towards men. So wrap a blanket tight around you, get the fire going, pull out the hot chocolate, run a hot bath, and honker down because it's winter and it's no longer magical!
There you have it. Funny thing, I couldn't sleep last night either, so as I wallow in my dreams of other months, I did something else. I have connected some of my closest friends and family to months according to the personality of the month and the person.
Wait for it...it's coming in Part 3!